How to install:

Before installing use Winscp to copy pystreamer-1.0.1-1-armhf.deb to /home folder

1. mkdir -p ~/.config/PyStreamer
2. cp /opt/PyStreamer/data2.json ~/.config/PyStreamer

Cleanup current installation:
3. sudo rm -rf /opt/PyStreamer
4. sudo systemctl stop pystreamer
5. sudo systemctl stop pystreamer-config
6. sudo rm -f /etc/systemd/system/pystreamer.service
7. sudo rm -f /etc/systemd/system/pystreamer-config.service

Install new version:
8. sudo apt install ./pystreamer-1.0.1-1-armhf.deb
9. sudo systemctl start pystreamer
10. sudo systemctl status pystreamer

Step 1->7 only run once

After that, when we have a new release, only need to run step 8 -> 10  (don't need to run 1 -> 7 again)